How Modern Cloud Solutions Support Fast Growth - Case Musti Group
As the leading pet supply group in the Nordic countries and the fourth largest pet supply group in Europe, Musti Group favors agile, scalable and cost-efficient solutions that support the company’s strong growth and renewal. For contract and meeting management, Musti Group chose ContractZen’s cloud service.
Growth is the combined effect of several factors. Traditionally, growth has consisted of:
- a clear vision,
- listening to customers,
- ingeniously standing out from competition, and
- an agile decision-making model.
This is not enough, however. The engine of growth won’t work unless the organization’s capabilities, data systems and decision-making speed are growing at the same pace as business. Fast growth requires not only speed and vision from the management, but also the ability to revise traditional ways of operation.
A CEO/CFO must direct the management group towards agile decision-making, and management must be vigilant with IT acquisitions that support growth. Pointless “quasi-digitalization” projects prevent the building of an engine of growth – and if the most important processes take the form of long chains of e-mails, there’s still a lot of work to be done.

Musti Group - the great Finnish growth company
International examples of companies that have tuned their engine of growth well include IKEA, Amazon, and Netflix. A great example of growth in Finland is the pet accessory store chain Musti Group.
In its expansion, Musti Group hasn’t been bogged down by traditional market analysis exercises. Instead, management constantly asks itself, “how can we increase value? How can we operate better than our competitors, and how do we make sure our organization learns and secures the abilities that create growth?”
In addition to this and as part of their growth strategy, Musti Group has significantly revised the company’s IT solutions, and chosen for its portfolio agile, scalable, and cost-efficient solutions that support the company’s strong growth and renewal.
One of Musti Group’s chosen areas of development was to improve the management of contracts and other important documents in the entire organization and to simultaneously minimize all unnecessary administrative work. The solution they chose was the contract management cloud service developed by ContractZen.
Key development goals were directly related to the constantly increasing need for up-to-date information for the company’s expanding business and the facilitation of corporate acquisitions. They also wanted a functional solution to support the work of the board. An answer to these needs was ContractZen Board Portal.
Musti Group’s CIO Panu Hannula says:
”Our growth strategy left us no time to waste on a traditional adoption implementation project and training – the solution had to be made available to different branches without delay, and we wanted it to scale to further needs in an extremely agile manner. We adopted ContractZen’s contract and meeting management cloud service throughout the whole organization in the same amount of time it would have previously taken us to merely prepare for a purchase. This was great for our business.”
“Success in today’s market stems from agile, renewing, scalable, and cost-efficient cloud services with a superior user experience. The time of monsters is practically over,” Hannula summarizes.
Musti Group’s engine of growth works, and the company is already the largest in its field in the Nordic countries and the fourth largest pet supply group in Europe. Next, it will seek growth from online sales and services offered through multiple channels at both the stores and the web.
See the video of ContractZen’s board portal solution used by Musti Group.
This article was originally published (in Finnish) as Kauppalehti's Studio Guest article.