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Entity Management version 2.0 now published!

We are proud to present the updated version of our Entity Management tool (formerly called Company Register) with several new features based on customer feedback.

With ContractZen’s Entity Management, you can compile and control the corporate records of a company, such as directors and officers, ownership structures, corporate names, and procuration holders to support all transactions, filing, reports, and audits.

New Features of Entity Management v2.0

Our updated Entity Management includes the following features.

  • New design style in the Ownership Chart including:
    • Compact Layout allows showing many parallel subsidiaries in a more practical way.
    • Swap Layout allows you to choose whether to show the tree structure facing up / down / left / right.
    • You can close and open any node in the chart.
    • Each node shows the number of subsidiaries under that company.
    • If a company has additional parents, it is shown below the company name. In the same place, it shows possible other shareholders (e.g. private investors).
    • Download the chart as an image easily.
    • Possibility to hide a company from the ownership chart.
  • Administrators can choose which fields are required and/or hidden in the company metadata. Simply go to Account->Edit Settings->Edit Document Field Settings and choose the correct fields under the Entity Management tab.
  • If a company has lots of different kinds of documents, you can use the Files by Tags page to organize the documents by using File Tags and Description.

Ownership chart feature

Updated Corporate Ownership Chart in our Entity Management tool.

Ownership Hierarchy ContractZen
Swapped layout in the Ownership Chart.

Entity Management is included free of charge for our existing customers!

If you are our existing customer, you can start using the tool as part of your subscription without any additional fees.

Have a look right away!