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File Tagging and Meeting Minutes Version Control

Our latest update brings you a major usability improvement for attached files, review version control for meeting minutes, as well as many security and performance improvements.

New versatile file tagging

Some of our customers have a lot of documents. A lot. And they often need to attach multiple files under the same Key Information (metadata). Therefore, it becomes a bit cumbersome to quickly find the right document or attachment.

With our new file tagging feature, you can now categorize all the attached files with tags and add descriptions to them. All this can be done under the new tab called Files by Tags, where you can find the detailed file information in a dynamic listview (resembling our Index View in Virtual Data Rooms). This improvement is available in all document categories as well as in entity management.

Files by Tags

This enhancement will improve file handling in many situations. Below are some of the use cases from our customers:

  • One M&A case might include a lot of different documents, which are better to be stored under the same Key Information (metadata) card. With the new tool, you can have them categorized under different sub-headings for easier management.
  • Sometimes it is better to store different versions of the same agreement under one metadata card. The tagging and descriptions allow you to take care of this task better than ever.
  • In addition, the new feature helps in managing the files in the global entity management system. Some of our customers have already dozens of files under each company, and with this new feature, the management is a lot easier.

Please note: We will keep on improving this feature, so please add your ideas and comments to our feedback forum here.

Review version control for meeting minutes

At times you may need to look back on the history of the different versions of board meeting minutes sent for review. Now the administrators can see all the past versions in the review phase. Therefore, you no longer need to worry about losing the comments in the previous meeting minutes versions.

Meeting review version control

User right improvements

Disable PDF download and print

Administrators can now disable the PDF print and download for the whole account. It works the same as in the data rooms (VDR). To turn the restriction on, just go to Account→Edit settings. After turning it on, the users can view the PDF files in their browser, but cannot download or print them.

Send by email feature now disabled for the read-only users

To improve security, the user with read-only rights to a certain category cannot send any documents by email.

New EU directive affecting ContractZen payments

Please note: This affects only customers whose credit card is issued in the EU

On September 14, 2019, the EU introduced a new requirement for authenticating online payments, known as Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). The goal of SCA is to protect EU consumers from fraudulent activity on their credit or debit cards. It’s an added level of security for you that will introduce an additional step when going through a payment process online.

In ContractZen, this means an additional step to authenticate your payment method when making a credit card payment.

When completing a payment with an EU issued credit card, you might be asked to authenticate the transaction with your bank using an additional form of verification. Your bank's interface and their selected method of two-factor authentication will display within ContractZen. Depending on your bank, the additional authentication could be anything from entering your bank login credentials, using the bank's mobile app or a third-party authentication app on your mobile phone, or entering an SMS code.

We use Stripe to handle all the credit card details and payments so the additional verification is done together with Stripe.

You need to be the credit card owner to complete the additional verification. But please note that it is not asked in every single transaction. You can read more about the SCA here.

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